Priyanka Mohan who has a huge fan base in the short time. Actress Priyanka Mohan, who has acted in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada, she is currently starring in Nelson's Doctor. The Doctor movie is currently running successfully in theaters. Priyanka Arul Mohan is making her Tamil debut as the heroine to play Sivakarthikeyan's hero in this film. she has already acted in Telugu films including Gang Leader and Sri Karam.
Currently, she starring with another leading actor in the film following the upcoming films including 'Don' and 'Etharkkum Thunindhavan'. She has gained a lot of fans in a short period of time and she is very active on the social media. Priyanka Mohan who has been posting various photos frequently on the internet. Recently, she shared her latest photos on Instagram. Those photos is going viral. Check it out below
Pc: Priyanka Mohan..(Instagram)